

View synonyms for about face

about face



  1. (used as a military command to perform an about-face.)



[ noun uh-bout-feys, uh-bout-feys; verb uh-bout-feys ]


  1. Military. a turn of 180° from the position of attention.
  2. a complete, sudden change in position, direction, principle, attitude, etc.:

    They've done an about-face in their foreign policy.

verb (used without object)

, a·bout-faced, a·bout-fac·ing.
  1. to execute an about face.
  2. to turn in the opposite direction.
  3. to switch to an opposite opinion.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of about face1

An Americanism dating back to 1860–65

Origin of about face2

An Americanism dating back to 1860–65
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Example Sentences

His warning to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and subsequent about-face is still considered a low point of his presidency.

Since 2008, the party has executed a huge about-face on issues of executive power and national security.

Asked to explain the about-face, Bush blamed the shifting political sands.

Yet such an about-face seems unlikely, at least according to one rank-and-file Brotherhood member.

But such an about-face by the stubborn government seems unlikely.

He turned on his heel in an automatically correct about-face and strode out of the office.

His complete about-face wasn't setting so well with Herr Stohl.

He had sternly informed her that she must about-face and do better.

Funny change of direction, from planning to go out to China and the East, about-face to planning to settle down and take root.

Heaven knows at that there was such a sudden pause and about-face as must have made even the stolen dog laugh had it been there.





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